How can we help you?

Reliable High Pressure Breathing Air Compressors

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Breathing air offers a lifeline when it matters most.Our compressor modules are designed to ensure reliability throughintegration, making Reavell the intelligent partner foryour breathing air systems.




Groundbreaking Integrated Reliability

Reavell is a world renowned name in breathing airsupply. It has developed our premium rangeof compressors into a truly groundbreaking range ofbreathing air modules, designed to ensure reliabilitythrough ease of integration, specifically for yourbreathing air packages.

Whether it’s our focus on ease of integration; the benefits of our revolutionary piston technology; our expertise in air and gas compression, or the service and support we deliver, you can be sure that integrating a Reavell module into your package means reliability and heritage will be built in.

With this in mind, it’s no surprise that our breathing air systems are used across many different commercial and industrial settings, so wherever your end user – Reavell offers the compressor you need.

Click here to download our Breathing New Life Brochure.


Primary Sectors Served

  • Fire departments
  • Rescue and recovery
  • Diving
  • Defence
  • Marine/offshore
  • Sport & leisure

High Pressure Air Compressors